
Re: 3/4 wavelength error

Tesla List wrote:
> >From Esondrmn-at-aol-dot-comTue Aug  6 20:29:56 1996
> Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1996 11:51:54 -0400
> From: Esondrmn-at-aol-dot-com
> To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject: Re: 3/4 wavelength error
> In a message dated 96-08-06 00:48:40 EDT, you write:
> <<
>  Depending on the drive transformer which I happen to be using, I have been
> most
>  successful in using a cap that is matched to the transformer using the
> classical
>  formula. When using a 15kv 120 ma unit, I use a .021 mfd. My best input
> power to
>  discharge ratio has been when using a 720 va transformer which produces 48"
> discharges.
>  I cannot figure out why I have been unable substantially increase the
> discharges when
>  going to higher power.
>  Skip >>
> Skip,
> Using 12,000 volts at 120 ma (about twice your power) I had about 50"
> discharges.  Now using a 5kva pole pig I can only get 80" discharges, even
> with the pig cranked up to 7 or 8 kva.  I think it is a function of the
> physical properties of the coil.  With a particular coil geometry, I think as
> you steadily increase input power, you finally reach a point of diminishing
> returns where more power in provides little increase in secondary discharges.
> I think if I went from the present 6.0" dia secondary up to 8.0" or 10.0", at
> the same power level, I would see a large increase in discharge length.
> Ed Sonderman


I am beginning to agree with you but this kind of goes against some of 
the things which Richard Hull has stated in a recent post which I think I 
can paraphrase...It requires more power input to increase the spark 
length...assuming the system is properly tuned...etc. The 1800va system 
seems to function very similarly  to the 720va system...no excessive 
arcing in the gap or heavy corona anyplace else. So where does the 
additional 1100 watts go? It should show up someplace! Well, it's fun to 
keep looking and learning.
