
5949 Thyratron specs

Here's some general specifications for the 5949/5949A:

Peak fwd anode voltage - 25kV
Peak anode current - 500A
Average anode current - 500mA
Anode heating factor - 6.3 e9
Peak output power - 6.0 MW

Heater Voltage - 6.3VAC
Heater current(max) - 22.0 AAC
Tube heating time - 3 minutes

Reservoir Voltage - 3.0 to 5.5V
Reservoir Current - 6.0 AAC

Grid Drive (min) - 550V
Grid pulse duration - 2uS min
Grid impedance - 200 ohms min

(Clockwise, as viewed from bottom.  The pin off by itself is pin 3)

1 - Heater
2 - Cathode
3 - Grid
4 - Reservoir
5 - Heater

Top cap - anode

This tube does not appreciate reverse conduction. (anode ablation)

The 5949/5949A has had a long history of radar modulator service, 
and pulsed-power supplies for small klystron tubes.  The modern-day
replacement for it is the CX1140.

It's always good to see that people are still interested in 
ballistic electron devices.  What are you going to do with these
thyratrons, anyway?