Re: TV / National geographic
Tesla List wrote:
> > Subject: TV / National geographic
> >From hullr-at-whitlock-dot-comThu Aug 8 17:18:45 1996
> Date: Thu, 08 Aug 1996 16:51:58 -0700
> From: Richard Hull <hullr-at-whitlock-dot-com>
> To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject: Re: TV / National geographic
> Tesla List wrote:
> >
> > >From Steve_Crawshaw_at_erith6-at-smtpgwy.supertension-dot-comThu Aug 8 10:58:48 1996
> > Date: Thu, 08 Aug 96 09:40:50 GMT
> > From: Steve_Crawshaw_at_erith6-at-smtpgwy.supertension-dot-com
> > To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> > Subject: TV / National geographic
> >
> > FAO Richard Hull
> >
> > Richard, I remember you posting details of a TV programme in which
> > your work was featured which was to be screened in August in the UK.
> > Could you please repost details of this as I have lost the original
> > message. Could you also provide details of the National Geographic
> > article?
> >
> > Cheers
> >
> > Steve Crawshaw
> Steve,
> I believe the show was called "Future Fantastic" or something like that
> supposed to be scheduled to air in August on BBC. Not sure which
> channel. Main thrust is not TESLA Coils, but hydrogen or water energy.
> My coil will appear, however, as part of the series and my investigation
> into water arc explosions.
> National Geo, I believe, was June or July issue 1993 lightning bolt on
> cover. You can't miss it!
> Hope this helped.
> Richard Hull, TCBOR
I just received word from Dr. Peter Graneau that his son Dr. Neal Graneau
just reported seeing our TV program segment tonight, 9 August, at 8:00
PM GMT! So it has aired! The Graneaus, myself and George Hathaway
(Canada) have been involved in the water arc work for some time and
according to Neal, the part with my lab had a very favorable section of
the show alotted to it. This is, of course quite gratifying to me and I
hope to receive a promised NTSC VHS video copy of the show from the
producers soon. I hope you caught it.
Richard Hull, TCBOR