
RE: Description of a new Coil


Good going!  It sounds like you are off and running.  The 1.5X sparks sounds 
like you are doing great and I do not see any reason why 72" sparks can't be 
had.  Your toroid is just about the right size to start off with on this 
size coil.  Higher powers and longer sparks can be had with just an increase 
in the top hat size, alone!  You may have to pump up the cap a bit to .03 or 
so.  Keep in touch on how it goes.

Richard Hull, TCBOR
From: tesla
To: 73041.2215; 73663.1536; BrittB7556; JHERRON; JOHNBATES3; abourass; 
atech; av599; davide; funkadelic; jbiehler; jmonty; kg7bz; koppemha; logue; 
mackte; nwtnmike; osburnw; pinsky; richardh; rmessick; rnicker; rwstephens; 
shu95mmc; stevej; twill19; yiorgos
Subject: Description of a new Coil
Date: Tuesday, April 02, 1996 8:35AM