
Re: Tesla coil specs.

>Date:          Tue, 2 Apr 1996 20:02:26 +0700
>From:          tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com
>Subject:       Re: Tesla coil specs.

>>From 74040.3317-at-compuserve-dot-com Tue Apr  2 13:42 MST 1996
>>Received: from dub-img-1-dot-compuserve-dot-com (dub-img-1-dot-compuserve-dot-com []) by uucp-1.csn-dot-net (8.6.12/8.6.12) with ESMTP id NAA13519 for <tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com>; Tue, 2 Apr 1996 13:24:14 -070

>Date: 02 Apr 96 15:21:07 EST
>From: Charles Brush <74040.3317-at-compuserve-dot-com>
>To: <tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com>
>Subject: Re: Tesla coil specs.

>>This coil was really nothing special in itself.  It was made probably 
>>10 years ago when I knew less about TC's.  The form was 7 ft tall x 21 
>>inches in diameter.  It was wound with 22awg color TV anode wire (the 
>>red wire that goes from a TV flyback to the side of the picture tube).  
>>It resonated at 90KHz with a 24 inch toroid.

>>...Like I said, very vanilla.<


>Still, a 7'x 21" 90KHz coil is pretty substantial!  Do you nowadays
>find yourself more inclined to shoot for lower resonant frequencies
>using thinner wire with more inductance (like the above coil), or
>higher current capacity with thicker wire and less inductance?  It
>seems like something of a balancing act since you want the best of
>both worlds within reasonable size limitations.  I'd be curious to
>hear your thoughts on this since there seem to be a number of opinions.  
>I wonder how discharge characteristics are altered by this.

>Anyone else please feel free to chime in.

>Charles Brush

Ding,(just chiming in!),

I'd be very interested in knowing what the input power to Mark's 
system was when it created 18 foot streamers.  That 22 Ga. coil had a relatively
long aspect ratio giving a long air path from end to end, and the wire used had
considerably more insulation than usually employed.
Both these factors should  allow for considerable input power without self-
destruction from breakdown.  Mark is being modest, 18 foot streamers 
are SOMETHING to be proud of, even if you did use a nuke to make 
them.  C'mon Mark, inquiring minds want to know!

Happy coiling! rwstephens