Re: Tesla coil specs.
To: tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com
Subject: Re: Tesla coil specs.
From: mrbarton-at-ix-dot-netcom-dot-com (Mark Barton)
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 01:29:25 -0800
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This coil was really nothing special in itself. It was made probably
10 years ago when I knew less about TC's. The form was 7 ft tall x 21
inches in diameter. It was wound with 22awg color TV anode wire (the
red wire that goes from a TV flyback to the side of the picture tube).
It resonated at 90KHz with a 24 inch toroid.
We used anywhere from .05 to 0.2uf capacitance with a simple rotary
interrupter. The transformer was 14.4KV -at- 10KVA (overdriven at times).
The primary was a straight helix of 1/2 inch copper tubing. Like I
said, very vanilla.
>>I have gotten 18 foot discharges from a coil wound
>>with 22 gauge wire and a smaller transformer.
>Yow!!! Care to share any other specs on that coil? <g>