
Re: Tesla coil specs.

Quoting <whitlock-dot-com!RICHARDH-at-uucp-1.csn-dot-net> Richard Hull: 

> It would be real tough to pump out a solid 9.5 feet of spark 
> with 6 KW in a two coil system.   I would say that maybe 
> Richard Quick and Ed Wingate may have done this already.  I 
> think it could probably be done by any true expert in the art,
> but certainly not as easily as with a magnifier.  There is 
> just better power transfer in the magnifier. Regardless, in a 
> two coil system, this would be a feat reserved for
> the most synergistic of systems and capable of hands.

Why Richard you almost make me blush! Thanks for the nice
complements, especially coming from the man who I consider
to be the most competant Tesla engineer alive. All I have 
ever done in coiling was to prove the basic tenents you 
preached about years ago...

I have hit 9.5 feet at 6 KW, but it is not something you can do
everyday. Everything has to be practically perfect, from the
ground, to the toroid position.

> I will make one definitive statement, and that is that no one 
> will ever make  a "two coil system" with a 1 foot long 
> resonator which will put out 9.5  times the winding length in 
> spark, at any power level !!!

Ha! I would not even dream of arguing that!

(On firing coils outdoors)

> I have seen them fired that way though and they perform poorly
> due to the slightest breeze destroying the ionized shell of air
> we need to support long sparks. Bill Wysock is the master of 
> the this art.  It consumes a lot of extra power trying to 
> "bullhead" its way through moving air.  Richard Quick
> has also  operated well outside.  I am sure he will second the
> statement about the  deleterious effects of moving air (wind) 
> on spark length. 

Yes, I will concur. This also really messes with the tune,
especially with smaller discharge terminals. Envision this if you

The wind is sporatic, sometimes calm for a few moments, then
puffing up a bit to 5-10 mph briefly before settling back down.
Your coil is spark tuned to include the additional corona
produced capacitance around the discharge terminal. When the wind
puffs up, the ion cloud is dissipated rapidly (you might see a
large spark chase it off the downwind side of the toroid), but
the bottom line effect is that the coil detunes with every puff
of air. On a knife edged synergistically tuned system this really
stresses out the gaps and caps, as you might as well be slinging
extra turns in and out of the primary. Kickbacks will be more
frequent... Nothing about it is really smooth.

Steady wind is almost preferable because the coil at least
maintains a more constant resonate frequency. Even though the
sparks will be severely truncated the stress on the system will
be reduced.

Richard Quick

... If all else fails... Throw another megavolt across it!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12