
Re: Current XFMR


The best CT for 60 hz use is an iron core version.  These can be had for as 
little as $30.00 new.  The Rogowski coil is better for 1000 amp currents and 
above of short pulse duration  An op amp integrator is necessary to get a 
wide and linear bandwidth.  Mine is used in the 20,000 amp range for pulse 

Richard Hull, TCBOR.
From: tesla
To: 73041.2215; 73663.1536; BrittB7556; JHERRON; JOHNBATES3; abourass; 
atech; av599; davide; funkadelic; jbiehler; jmonty; kg7bz; koppemha; logue; 
mackte; nwtnmike; osburnw; pinsky; richardh; rmessick; rnicker; rwstephens; 
shu95mmc; stevej; twill19; yiorgos
Subject: Re: Current XFMR
Date: Monday, April 01, 1996 9:32AM