To: mail11:;-at-msd26.enet.dec-dot-com (-at-teslatech)
Subject: caps/pcbs/history
From: "I am the NRA." <pierson-at-msd26.enet.dec-dot-com>
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 95 14:18:25 EDT
>Received: from ns-1.csn-dot-net (root-at-ns-1.csn-dot-net []) by uucp-1.csn-dot-net (8.6.12/8.6.12) with SMTP id MAA18212 for <tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com>; Wed, 20 Sep 1995 12:24:48 -0600
Cc: pierson-at-msd26.enet.dec-dot-com
> RD> Tesla, as far as I know, used PCB's alot...???
A leetle tricky. I don't believe they were invented until the
1930s, certainly not popularized untill then. (they are a manmade
compound.) (what happened was that the growing use of AC power led to
growing use of oil insulated transformers. HOT transformers & Hot oil
led to some nasty fires, with electric sparks to get things going.
Europe tended towards air insulated/cooled transformers. In the US
"inert" "oils" (Pyranol, a PCB mix was a common one) were used in oil
cooled/insulated gear. It was THOUGHT to be quite inert...
>Highly doubtful. I have no record that Tesla worked with large
>quantities of chlorine gas required for synthesis. Commercial PCB
>mixtures were not available until the 1930s.
What we do have records of is Tesla working in C Springs with Glass
for dielectric & salt water for electrodes. I bet he GENERATED some Cl,
in passing. I have not seen records of what was used in
LI/Wardenclyffe. Tesla does describe working with oil immersed coils,
however i THINK these are all defined as mineral oil, or whatever.