"a battery of caps"
To: mail11:;-at-msd26.enet.dec-dot-com (-at-teslatech)
Subject: "a battery of caps"
From: "I am the NRA." <pierson-at-msd26.enet.dec-dot-com>
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 95 10:34:49 EDT
>Received: from ns-1.csn-dot-net (root-at-ns-1.csn-dot-net []) by uucp-1.csn-dot-net (8.6.12/8.6.12) with SMTP id IAA18473 for <tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com>; Thu, 14 Sep 1995 08:40:59 -0600
Cc: pierson-at-msd26.enet.dec-dot-com
>Author: Steve Crawshaw at erith6
> How about getting an old (or new) lead acid battery, draining out all
> the acid, flushing with water and leaving to dry. Fill the battery
> with C14 mineral oil / epoxy resin / hot wax. Heat and / or vac down
> and cure if epoxy. Hey presto as if by magic, HV cap in the area!
Having been inside som lead acid battreries, I wouldn't. Capacitance
is set by area and (effectively) dielectric thickness. Thinner the
dielectric, the higher the capcitance. And the more the plates, the
more the capacitance. The batteries i have been inside of have
relatively thick insulators between plates and relatively few plates.
(because they must be thick to carry the 200A and greater and to
withstand road shocks (if vehicle battery) or provide the life
expected (if commercial/stationary battery.).
Also the dielectric in a tesla-typoe cap is (for preference) chosen for
low loss at operating freq and HV withstand. The insulator for the
lead-acid is chosen for ability to withstand mechanical stress and
battery acid. I dunno what theya re using these days, but i wager a
LARGE cookie that it has poor lf/hf characteristics......
Also, i get nervous about "sealing" things that will be
storing/transferrring/processing large amounts of energy. If anything
goes wrong the can turn into bombs Real Quick.
This is all "handwaving', (tho ACCURATE handwaving, i think...) on my
part. I will yield on any of it, especially the last. to reasoned
argument, or superior experience....