

Quoting gcerny-at-ix-dot-netcom-dot-com (Glenn Cerny):

> I watched this thread go by about a 12"dia form wound with
> 25ga.  I understand and agree that the wire is way to small
> for this size coil and that space winding is a no, no.

> Would bi-filar winding work here though?  For those who
> do not know, bi-filar is winding 2 parallel wires from
> top to bottom with the ends connected.  I haven't heard
> of anyone currently using this method, but is it practical
> and without penalty?

No, bifilar winding does not help the overall design. It robs the
secondary coil of inductance needed to maintain performance per
unit volume of coil form. 

I have posted at length previously about the use of trifilar
windings with the third conductor wound directly on top of a
bifilar winding. This would work where the available conductor is
50% smaller than the ideal conductor diameter. The end result of
a trifilar winding would be a high Q secondary, with reasonably
high inductance. But let me tell you, it is way more work than it
is worth. For the time involved I would go out and buy the right
diameter magnet wire and do the job correctly from the start.

Richard Quick

... If all else fails... Throw another megavolt across it!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12