Re: Tesla
To: tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com
Subject: Re: Tesla
From: mmccarty-at-dnaco-dot-net
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 95 20:46:13 +0000
>Received: from ns-1.csn-dot-net (root-at-ns-1.csn-dot-net []) by uucp-1.csn-dot-net (8.6.12/8.6.12) with SMTP id TAA18236 for <tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com>; Sun, 25 Jun 1995 19:30:02 -0600
> From: "SROYS" <SROYS-at-radiology.ab.umd.edu>
> Date: Mon, 19 Jun 1995 15:34:50 EDT
> Subject: Re: Tesla
> Another tip is to make friends with some amateur radio operators and
> find out when and where the hamfests are, and go to them. You can
> pick up all sorts of equipment and supplies at hamfests for very
> reasonable prices. Variacs, scopes, meters, high-voltage capacitors
> and transformers, coils, wire, RG8 solid poly core coax (used to
> connect the HV transformer to your primary tank circuit and also to
> connect your coil to your RF ground), signal generators, frequency
> counters, etc... can all be found in abundance and sometimes
> practically for nothing but the hernia you get by carrying the thing away.
> Also, Dayton has an annual hamfest that people typically describe as
> being very close to a Religious xperience; I've heard that if it's
> electronic and you're looking for it, you can usually find a truckload of it
> somewhere at the Dayton hamfest!
I do have an amateur license and yep, I've been to the big one. The only problem is
I wasn't planning on building a Tesla coil when I was there and the next one is
still a year away. Oh well maybe I'll try some of the smaller fests.
> > By the way, what's "thin wall" PVC? The thinnest I've ever seen at 4"
> > is schedule 40, which we use for electrical duct, it doesn't seem too
> > thin to me.
> There is a thinner walled PVC tubing that is used for drain fields, but I
> forget what it's called (DWV, DVW or something like that???). Check
> your local Hechinger's or Ace Hardware store. I saw some plastic
> tubing in (of all places) a Spot-A-Pot that was labeled HDPE. If it really
> was high-density polyethylene and you can find it, that would be even
> better for your secondary.
Well, I've definitely come a ways since I last talked to you. I came up
with two 9kv .030 amp neon xformers and two 12kv 1.5kva PTs (don't ask me
where I got the PTs, there aren't any more available).
I bought a length of 6" HDPE from the local plumbing supply since it was
the only thinwall S&D pipe they had. It is a two ply pipe with the inner
2/3 being black and the outer third being white. I finished the pipe
with polyurethane and wound 25" of 22 AWG on it and put about a quart a
polyurethane on top. Looks nice but I think if I ever wind another
I'll use figerglass resin or epoxy paint, I hate working with polyurethane
it never wants to lay down even and I end up sanding everything between
coats. I've used two part epoxy to waterproof model boats and I know I can
do a better job with it.
I've got two tanks built for poly/alum/oil caps but still have to come up with
the polyethylene sheeting and I've got pipe and copper cut for a couple
of static cylinder gaps, but have to come up with some brass hardware. The
local hardware store wants a mint for their brass stuff.
All in all I'm moving right along as I can find materials. I really
appreciate your help so far Steve as well as from everybody else.
Now, another question. What size toroid should I start with on this