Coil help
To: tesla-at-objinc-dot-com
Subject: Coil help
From: Tempest <efreet-at-thelair.zynet-dot-com>
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 1995 12:13:58 -0600 (MDT)
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Hi, I just subscribed a few days ago because I have been interested in
makeing a Tesla Coil, I have a few articles about them, but nothing about
how to build them. Right now all I have are various lengths of 3/4" to
12" PVC pipes, About a pound (one spool) of #28 AWG Belden W&C magnet
wire, and a few pieces of cheapie rinky-dink test things. I have access
to a mostly woodworking shop(no wood Lathe),an electic workbench with all
sorts of tools,test equipment,bread board, wire... I do have a metal
lathe, but it goes to fast to wind a good coil on.What I'm getting at Is
I need some(alot)of info on building the coil, what other stuff I will
need(besides a big coil)as far as other coils, circuts... Also, What the
heck is a Torid? Thanks for any help I can get.