
World views...

> KU> I forgot to ask about this in the previous message:

>> For the coil above, plain old DC resistance should be over 50   
>> Ohms. The high-frequency resistance calculation is giving 35    
>> Ohms. Doesn't seem right does it? The book speaks repeatedly    
>> of *series resistance*. Apparently that's not the DC            
>> resistance.

> KU> The quote above is written by a friend of mine who is        
> KU> writing a tesla-coil design program.. Could you enlight him  
> KU> a bit about what "series resistance" really means in this    
> KU> issue? (I think he's writing about a secondary coil)
	At the risk of being blunt, unless one understands what one is
	programming, one is in deep trouble.  (and, to be fair, the programmer
	_is_ asking.)  Its not hard to come up with a a program to spin some
	numbers.  The trick is to have them mean something.  As the Bumble Bee.

>Boy, I am without a clue here. It is unfortunate that so many
>terms are bandied about without a clear explanation or formula
>of origin. I see a lot of it, and much of it is so unexact or
>outright incorrect that it is worthless.
	Yeah Verily.  Wisdom in this...

>Tesla coiling, as repulsive as it may seem to many of those with
>more formal engineering roots, is still an art. Tesla himself
>knew this, and any good coiler learns it over time. Certain
>aspects of coil design and function may be calculated with near
>certainty, but in the end it is the coil builder, not the
>computer, that edges and peaks a coil system to astounding

>Comments on this one anybody?

	Like much else, its a learning process.  Having once (or twice or...)
	learnt something, hopefully it IS known.  And, hopefully the next
	<whatever> comes closer, with less tweaking....
