

Thanks for the advice on the capacitors Richard. I've decided to make a flat
plate cap like you have described.

I'm making my suppression capacitors out of 0.8 mm PVC flexible plate that I
bought thinking that it was polyethylene like what you use in your tank
circuit caps- it looks just the same except that it is clear-not milky clear.
Anyway I'm making 2 miniature roll capacitors each of 0.0007 mfd (I will use
5 sheets of pvc for the dielectric in each cap) and will connect one each
between the centre tap and the output terminals of 2 15 kV 60 mA neons that I
have put in parrallel to provide the juice for my 6 inch coil. I figure that
pvc plate suppression caps should dissipate heaps of rf energy.

Hope to be sparking within a few weeks now!

Best Regards,

-- Mark
       _/_/_/   _/_/_/_/       Mark Conway
      _/    _/    _/          Deep Thought BBS, Auckland, New Zealand
     _/    _/    _/          A FirstClass(tm) Macintosh GUI BBS
    _/_/_/      _/          Internet: mconway-at-deepthnk.kiwi.gen.nz