

> From Alan.Jones-at-kaboodle.is-dot-net 

 > Richard, could you give me some info on this TCBA NEWS? Is it  
 > a magazine or a  newsletter? How and where do I subscribe?

Quoting Chip:

 CA> The TCBA News is the publication of the Tesla Coil Builders
 CA> Association. The TCBA can be joined with $24 sent to 
 CA> 3 Amy Lane
 CA> Queensbury, NY 12804

 CA> You should mention the TCBA member that told you about it    
 CA> first since there is a membership extension for each new     
 CA> member brought in. 

Harry Goldman publishes the "NEWS" quarterly. A typical issue is
15 - 20 double sided pages. The publication is focused strictly
on Tesla, Tesla coiling, and high-voltage projects. When you
join/subscribe you get a framable certificate. When you mention
the name of an existing member when you join, that member gets a
free issue added to end of their subscription at no cost to
either party. 

Make checks or money order payable to Harry Goldman.

Richard Quick

... If all else fails... Throw another megavolt across it!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12