To: tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com (Nikola Tesla (Chip Atkinson))
Subject: Re: TCBOR
From: "SROYS" <SROYS-at-radiology.ab.umd.edu>
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 10:10:34 EDT
>Received: from comm1.ab.umd.edu by csn-dot-org with SMTP id AA16103 (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com>); Tue, 18 Oct 1994 08:14:44 -0600
> What is the size of the secondary that you are using?
My secondary is a 4.5" x 18" fiberglass tube close wound with 450
turns of #20 enamel covered magnet wire for a winding length of 14". I
have a aluminum toroid on top 10" across with a 2" diameter cross
section (i.e. - the doughnut part is 2" across). I'm running 10kV at about
70mA into the primary.
Gap adventures:
I just bought a squirrel cage fan this past weekend to use with my
multi-tube gap I am building, and last night I decided to try it out with
my ball bearing gap to see if it made any difference. It did...it blew my
ball bearings off their holders (I just have them sitting on little ceramic
insulators) so that was the end of that experiment. I then tried the
blower using an old single gap that I had made from two bolts. The
secondary discharge with the blower on was about twice what I was
getting with the blower off! I didn't make any kind of quantitative
measurements, but the forced air quenching really made a visible
difference. I then tried using a single spark plug as a gap. It started
firing relatively quietly at about 2kV, and turning the voltage up just
started a power arc with no other visible affect. When I had the voltage
adjusted so that it was just firing nicely, I could draw a 2" spark off the
secondary, but there was no free air discharge. Whipping out my neon
light indicator, I saw that I was getting about 10 discharges per
half-cycle. Pretty cool! I also found some clear light bulbs and had
some fun with the discharges (hold the metal base and get the bulb
near the secondary terminal...you can see some real pretty streamers
coming off the wires in the bulb).
And finally some questions: Does anybody know how to measure the
'Q' of a coil? The TCBOR folks mention it in their guide, but don't say
anything about how to do it. Also, does anyone have the TCBOR
instrumentation tape and if so, what does it cover?
Steven Roys (sroys-at-radiology.ab.umd.edu)