series & stuff
To: mail11:;-at-cimcad.enet.dec-dot-com (-at-teslatech)
Subject: series & stuff
From: I am the NRA <pierson-at-cimcad.enet.dec-dot-com>
Date: Mon, 5 Dec 94 13:36:25 EST
>Received: from inet-gw-1.pa.dec-dot-com by csn-dot-org with SMTP id AA28007 (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com>); Mon, 5 Dec 1994 11:55:52 -0700
Cc: pierson-at-cimcad.enet.dec-dot-com
>So far I'm a tabletop coiler, but I only plan on staying in my basement
>until I get the garage cleaned out (springtime at the very latest), and I
>am very serious. I told my wife I want a pole transformer for Christmas,
>but I think she's hoping (although not really believing) that I'll feel
>differently when the fever breaks ;-) But until the day comes when I buy
>that wonderful 400 lb of copper and oil, I'm stuck with my used, cheap,
>and already present neon sign and microwave oven transformers.
A Small Cautionary Note:
For many years "pole pigs" were filled with an "oil" composed of
PCB's. PCB's are carcinogens. I would be VERY careful of such.
(They may be called other things: askarels is one. They may look like
"oil". But "most" are PCB.
>The next questions are nominally targeted for Richard, but I would
>enjoy comments from anybody else with thoughts on the matter...
>> Several microwave oven transformers may be wired in series to
>> build a Tesla power supply.
>Can you connect more than 2 transformers in series to get higher
>voltages, and if so, how?
Yes but.... The catch is that the stray capacity will lead to the
primary sides starting to try to "float" to higher voltage, which can
lead to breakdown, and "letting out the smoke". Where such things
are done, great care is needed in how the primary sides are handled.
Or be ready for smoke....
>I wired 2 together in series so that the HV outputs are 180 degrees out of
>phase to give 2x the rated voltage (the other ends of the secondaries are tied
>together and grounded), but I didn't think I could put more than 2 in series
>and still have everything work right.
It can be done. But its tricky.
>I have a couple of large .04uF, 80kV DC
Such capsa re almost always good for AC, at that voltage, tho the
labelling may be for DC. Electrolytics are the only "really DC ONLY"
caps and they do not exist at that voltage...
>rated caps
1) See above on PCBs. PCBs were used as insulators or "fillers" pr both
in HV Caps as well as transformers. Caps, if "good" will not leak, but
>that came out of an XRay generator and I was wondering if these would be good
>for Tesla coil work?
Would need to know more. They would be better than nothing, tho not
so good as caps designed for the work... If i had them in hand, i would
use them, if the values are in the range and they are not leaking.
>They were used to filter the high voltage DC output to the XRay tube, so I'm
>not really sure if they would be good for pulse work?
There are better, proably, but they will work...