To: tesla-at-objinc-dot-com
Subject: hello
From: Craig Shields <cshields-at-tyrell-dot-net>
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 1994 22:13:57 -0500 (CDT)
>Received: from tyrell-dot-net by csn-dot-org with SMTP id AA12998 (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <tesla-at-objinc-dot-com>); Fri, 15 Apr 1994 21:15:05 -0600
Hi Everyone,
I am working on my first coil, a 15" secondary of #24 wire, driven
by 3 neon sign transformers for a total of 15000/30ma. Just now getting
the outer coats of polyurathane on the 4" pvc pipe. I'll use a .015
capacitor that I am going to make using polyethelene and mineral oil.
Should be pretty interesting. I am looking for a nice rf choke design to
save my transformers from any damage.
Sparks n Arcs to all,
Craig Shields