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Re: Voltage multiplier capacitors (fwd)

Original poster: Steven Roys <sroys@xxxxxxxxxx>

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Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 13:28:15 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mike <megavolts61@xxxxxxxxx>
To: High Voltage list <hvlist@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Voltage multiplier capacitors (fwd)

Original poster: Steven Roys <sroys@xxxxxxxxxx>

The doorknob type are possibly for RF use.   The disc types are probably fine for a multiplier
  Hello everyone,
  First of all thank you all for your help regarding the flyback 
transformer. I will be working on putting my flyback to good use soon. 
Currently though I am working on a voltage tripler powered by a 12kv/30ma 
neon transformer, and had a couple of questions regarding that subject. I 
have been browsing around on ebay for high voltage capacitors, and 
found the usual disc and doorknob types. I noticed some of the disc 
capacitors have the same voltage ratings and values as the doorknob caps, even 
though they are much smaller and more inexpensive. I am guessing the 
main difference between these then are how much power they can handle and 
how high a frequency they can run at, correct? Would either of these 
types work in a multiplier being fed only 60hz and 30ma? Thanks again for 
your help.

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