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Re: Some more Marx questions (fwd)

Original poster: Steven Roys <sroys@xxxxxxxxxx>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2006 13:36:29 -0700
From: Jonathan Peakall <jpeakall@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: High Voltage list <hvlist@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Some more Marx questions (fwd)


> You should also add a series 200 Ohm, 200 Watt resistor in series with a
> ID PVC tubing inductor (air core) wound approx 16 inches long with #24 PVC
> insulated wire.  This will clip any incoming transients from the quick
> connect / disconnect of the power supply and the cap bank.  Mount this
> on an insulating material such as PE, PS, etc.
> Dr. Resonance

Thanks for that advice. I'm glad I heard of it now before I got further in
construction. I guess I'm glad I had a PITA week and didn't get as far as I
had hoped on the project :-0.

Looking around in the junk stash, I have found a 50ohm, 225 watt resistor
and two 1k/100 watt resistors which I could put in parallel for 500/200.
Could I use either of these, or do I need to find a 200/200 as suggested?

I am so surprised at the low traffic of this list, when one considers the
amazing amount of HV expertise on tap here. Once again, many thanks!
