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Transformers for sale (fwd)

[Hopefully this will have worked.  Images cannot be posted. SRR]

I have the following for sale.  Location  midcoast Maine.  Check, m.o  or Paypal accepted.  Free if you pick up.

HV transformer (photo A)
            Mfg. Kapitol Magnetic Corp.       
            KVA 5        
            Hz        50-60     
         Ph.        1
         Pri.       220 V
         Sec.      10 KV
        Wt.      137 lb
Asking $50 plus shipping

Plate transformer (photo B)
        KVA      5 (?)
        Hz       50-60
        Ph       1
         Pri.        T1-0-T1-208-240 V
        Sec. :    8560-0-8560 V
        Wt.      162 lb
Asking $50 plus shipping

Plate transformer (photo C)
        KVA      3
        Hz       50-60
        Ph       1
        Pri.     120 V   
        Sec.     6.1 - 7.9 - 8.6 KVct (selected by tapped primary)                                       
        Wt.      122 lb
Asking $50 plus shipping

Plate transformer with HV insulated filament transformer (photo D)
        Mfg.     Westinghouse
        Hz       54-68    
        Plate:  Pri.    108-122 V, 6.8-6.2 A
                 Sec.     15-18 KV, 80-85 mA                        
        Fil.     Pri.     108-115-125 V, 2 A                                 
                 Sec.     2.5 V,  6 A
        Wt.      52 lb
        Oil filled (no PCB).  I will drain before shipping.
Asking $30 plus shipping

HV transformer (photo E)
        Mfg.     Jefferson Electric Co.
        VA       750      
        Hz       60       
        Pri.     120 V   
        Sec.     20 KVct (operate center tap at or near ground potential)
        Wt.      57 lb.
If desired I'll include a ballast reactor to limit primary current to < 20 A.  Wt. 37 lb.
Asking $50 plus shipping.

HV transformer (photo F)
        KVA      2.5
        Hz       50-60
        Pri.     115 V
        Sec.     8180 Vct
        Wt.      78 lb
Asking $50 plus shipping.

HV transformer (photo G)
        KVA      1
        Hz       60
        Pri.     120 V
        Sec.     12 KVct .        
        Wt.      58 lb
Asking $35 plus shipping

"Control" transformer (5 units available) (photo H)
        Hz       60
        Pri.     90 V
        Sec,     6 KV
        Wt.      25 lb   
Asking $25 plus shipping.


Emacs! Emacs! Emacs! Emacs!

                    A                                               B                                            C                                         D

Emacs! Emacs! Emacs! Emacs!

               E                                   F                                                   G                                              H

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