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Re: Can crushing (fwd)

Original poster: <sroys@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2005 12:09:07 -0800 (PST)
From: Peter Lawrence <Peter.Lawrence@xxxxxxx>
To: pterren@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: hvlist@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Can crushing (fwd)

      OOOPS! thanks for being so kind!

-Pete L.

>Hi Pete,
>I'll forgive you this one because a very experienced person on the 4HV forum 
>made the same mistake.
>Don't forget that the capacitance is halved as well if caps are in series. 
>Think about it.  Each cap is still charged to its full capacity and stores 
>the same energy as before.
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Peter Lawrence" <Peter.Lawrence@xxxxxxx>
>To: <hvlist@xxxxxxxxxx>
>Cc: <pterren@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 3:17 AM
>Subject: Re: Can crushing (fwd)
>> Peter Terren,
>>             great web page and experiments (now I know what caps to be on
>> the lookout for!)...
>> I see you're wiring your caps in parallel, however
>> J = 1/2 * C * V**2
>> means that two caps in parallel double the energy, but two caps in series
>> quadruple the energy (if you have the power supply voltage...)
>> -Pete Lawrence.
>>>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2005 12:42:46 +0800
>>>From: Peter Terren <pterren@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>To: High Voltage list <hvlist@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>Subject: Re: Can crushing
>>>For those with an interest in can crushing, I have upgraded my setup to
>>>1500J which will tear an empty can apart.
>>>There is noticeable crushing at only 200J, better at 300.  Also dependent 
>>>the turns used. Note that 3 turns at 2400 V 110uF (300J) had an effect but 
>>>turns at 5200 V 35 uF (300J) had no effect.
>>>Now a question for the clever people:
>>>What happens when you try to crush a full can with 1500J?
>>>a: Nothing - total energy is absorbed and makes the can a bit warmer.
>>>b: Not much different. Can tears in half.
>>>c: Pressure wave explodes the can at the weakest point.
>>>d: Other (eg opens a worm hole, triggers brief fusion reaction)
>>>Answer and other info/pics/videos on my site.