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Re: X-ray Power Supplies / Analysis Please (fwd)
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Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 08:20:49 +0800
From: Peter Terren <pterren1@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: High Voltage list <hvlist@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: X-ray Power Supplies / Analysis Please (fwd)
I have a highly scientific approach to this called try-it-and-see. Put 1
VAC into the incoming windings and see where you get the output then
series/parallel primaries and secondaries for maximum. Your smaller
transformer presumably is your filament transformer.
Peter (Tesla Downunder)
> From: Carl Litton <Carl_Litton@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Would anyone with a high speed Inet connection (large picture 1meg that
> can be expanded up for detailed viewing from 3 angles) be willing to
> look at the picture of this power supply and offer observations or
> comments about the way it is set up?