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Re: Multisection HV terminal (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2004 00:15:07 -0500
From: Luc Benard <ludev@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: High Voltage list <hvlist@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Multisection HV terminal (fwd)

Hi all,

Here is the update from M. George Vaillacourt this time I used an 
automatic translator and some correction from myself.
  and I put the photo discribed in the text at



P.S. inner tube and aluminum ventilation pipe were tested by couple of 
member of the tesla list with partial success, from what I read and 
from my personnal experience polish metal terminal really better 
performed at the low level of energy most of us used. As Jim mentioned 
recepy for mutisection terminal don't seem to exist, probably only 
logical parameter as M. Vaillacourt discribed and trial and error.

Hello Luc,

I had not very well understand your question.  I went on the forum that 
you mentioned and I found your
message.  Now, I understand better.

Effectively, you can use small "plates" to make a big sphere.  The 
construction is not critical even if a
profile of Rogowski or of Bruce would be ideal.  Any object in forms of 
a plate would suit provided that the edge
of the plate is curved and oriented towards the center of the sphere 
that must be big compare to the every
plate diameter.  I would recommend pie plates in aluminum of 20 cm to 
make a sphere of about 1 meter of
diameter.  The edge on the bottom of the plate has a curvature a little 
  too pronounced, this is not
ideal, but that will not have almost any influence if the diameter of 
the sphere is rather big.  Any sphere
will begin to discharge if tension attains a critical level.  This is 
this  critical level that will be
diminished.  Nevertheless if the sphere is rather big, this level will 
not be attained even if the
configuration of the sphere is not perfect.

That would be a lot simpler if one would be to use an inner tube in 
inflated rubber rather than a metallic
sphere.  Rubber is semi conducting and that is sufficient to make a 
good high électrode tension.  At that very
moment, the form of the électrode is a donut rather than a sphere but 
that is almost so good.  I do not
believe that you be in a position to construct a machine operating to a 
rather high tension for that to be
worth the penalty to optimize the électrode to the maximum.  
Habitually, this is the space lack that does that
one must optimize the form of the électrode.  Otherwise one uses a 
BIGGER électrode and that work well.

I send you a photo of a mounting of 1500 kV under rain on which you can 
see spheres and metallic donuts.
Certain of the metallic donuts are made with flexible aluminum pipe 
used in ventilation, the one used for
gone out of dryer.  you could see also the critical places where unload 
them produce themselves.  Without the
watering, this mounting did not unload absolutely.  This photo was 
taken in 1978.  In the years 80, we began
using inner tubes for the donuts rather than metallic électrodes 
because it was almost so effective but a lot
more economical one.

Good luck,

Georges Vaillancourt

On 25-Nov-04, at 1:04 PM, High Voltage list wrote:

> Original poster: <sroys@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2004 23:43:10 -0500
> From: Luc Benard <ludev@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: High Voltage list <hvlist@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: Multisection HV terminal (fwd)
> On 24-Nov-04, at 9:26 PM, High Voltage list wrote:
>> Original poster: <sroys@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2004 17:18:57 -0600
>> From: Dr. Resonance <resonance@xxxxxxxxxx>
>> To: High Voltage list <hvlist@xxxxxxxxxx>
>> Subject: Re: Multisection HV terminal (fwd)
>> On my computer I get:
>> Forbidden --- client access denied.
> Snip
>>> Good idea, may be I could join a member of the staf. Here an other
>>> view
>>> of the lab;
>>> www.ewh.ieee.org/soc/pes/icc/meetings/spring_2004/ireq_tour.pdf
>>> Luc
> Sometime html do strange thing, try to copy paste this address in your
> browser if you see "%20" before icc/ just erase it.
> http://www.ewh.ieee.org/soc/pes/icc/meetings/spring_2004/ireq_tour.pdf
> After checking the discution we have here, M. George Vaillancourt send
> me an update with more detail and a photo of one of is experiment in
> the Ireq lab. I'll try to find a place in the web to put this photo and
> I'll send a resume of the massage.
> By the way someone have a site were you can put non text document on
> the teslalist is someone have this facility for the HV list?
> Cheers,
> Luc Benard