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Re: Van de Graaff /Pelletron (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2004 11:43:39 -0500
From: Charles Brush <cfbrush@xxxxxxx>
To: High Voltage list <hvlist@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Van de Graaff /Pelletron (fwd)

>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2004 08:19:44 -0800
>From: Ed Phillips <evp@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: High Voltage list <hvlist@xxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: Re: Van de Graaff /Pelletron (fwd)
>>  I've been doing some searching around online looking for possible VDG
>>  parts.  While looking at conveyor systems on ebay this morning (in
>>  the few minutes of calm while our 22 month old triplets were eating
>>  breakfast!), it occurred to be that a ready made drive system for an
>>  actively charged VDG could probably be scavenged from a belt sander.
>>  One of the big floor standing models might be perfect...just chop it
>>  up.  I might have to try this.  Thoughts?
>>  Zap!
>>  Charles Brush
>	Terrible waste for such a neat tool and, unless you're trying to
>compete with Round Hill or the MOS, overkill.  Start with something
>smaller and simpler and doable in a short time and then work your way up
>to bigger and better!

Ah but is it really a waste converting a neat device into a much much
neater one? <g>   I was actually thinking in terms of some of the
more used and abused sanders that turn up on ebay.   The belt widths
vary, and the only overkill would be in motor HP.  This seems like it
might be an extremely simple, doable, and fast way to build a VDG.
Mind you I also like to find new uses for everyday appliances.  Back
in the mid 90's our leaf blower was drafted into duty as a sparkgap
blower in one of my early pig-powered Tesla coils.  It worked quite
well for a while (the rotary works much better now!).


Charles Brush