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Re: CAD (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2003 08:43:32 +1300
From: Malcolm Watts <m.j.watts@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: High Voltage list <hvlist@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: CAD (fwd)

On 15 Dec 2003, at 9:41, High Voltage list wrote:

> Original poster: Steven Roys <sroys@xxxxxxxx>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 07:52:01 -0600
> From: John Richardson <jprich@xxxxxx>
> To: High Voltage list <hvlist@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: CAD
> Hello,
> Does anyone have any info on a cheap CAD program that is available at
> the likes of Office Depot?  I have been doing some reading on Autodesk
> Quickcad, and can't seem to find much.  The price, at about $70, seems
> right.  I would like the ability to draw certain components in my high
> voltage R&D before actual construction, and it would be nice to be
> able to print or email a drawing of an idea to someone else.  I've
> heard that there are several online CAD programs available, but even
> if this is true, my dial up is way too slow for such things.  Insight
> appreciated. Thanks, John Richardson

I use PC Paint. It's free. I generated a component library for it. If
you're interested, contact me offlist for a copy. The basic idea is
to open up the component library in one window and the drawing in a
second one, copying and pasting the symbols from the library window
to the drawing window. Simple, cheap, and highly effective. No longer
do you have to wade through a plethora of menus and component
libraries since the symbols are generic and can be labelled as
particular types on the drawing.
