Here is the arc off of our 5kVA powerline distribution transformer (deemed a "pole pig").
This is the input power source for our 12" Tesla Coil, and 6" Tesla Coil (before the
secondary burned). A number of input/output combinations can be selected. With output
voltages of 3.6kV, 7.2kV, and 14.4kV - and input voltages of 120V and 240V, this pig is
pretty versatile. Even though the core saturates at 240V input 14.4kV output, current
limiting in series prevents an over-current condition. In this picture, the pig primary is in
series with a Microwave Oven Transformer - with 240V input!! This causes everything to
saturate and a huge amount of current draw. The MOT immediately let smoke out after
a single arc was drawn from the pig. What do you say the power is? 25, maybe 35kVA or
more? (by the way, check out the car liscense plate in the background...can you say UV?)