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RE: [TCML] PT TC Design

I would just add, that maybe a bigger toroid would be a good idea. The 6
inch minimum diameter could be increased to 7 inch, and most likly 8 inch.
This would allow a bigger top voltage to build up before breakout occurs.
Something an 8 inch secondrey with a 14.4kv source, should be capable of
I would go bigger with the 24 inch overal as well, to provide better
shieling to the secondary and primary area. I have an 8 x 34 inch on my 8
inch (but there the simalirity ends: pig power, SRSG, & more capacitance so
can't really compare - but only has a 12kv source)
Also as Scott mentions, your tank cap voltage is low, especially with an
ARSG, where peak MMC voltages can vary and be more unpredictable (as opposed
to SRSG). 


-----Original Message-----
From: tesla-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:tesla-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf
Of Scott Bogard
Sent: 07 June 2013 16:44
To: Tesla Coil Mailing List
Subject: Re: [TCML] PT TC Design

Hi Tim,
     Your system looks more or less Ok, but I have a few comments.  Let us
start with the spark gap, with that configuration you will be getting 345
BPS.  I think this is low, but I haven't actually done the math.  You want
to shoot for your cap to be between 60 and 75% charged when the gap fires,
so 30A*120V is 3600 Watts roughly; hmm, gut feeling maybe that is Ok, but
you should check it on JAVATC to make sure.  Also take in consideration
ballast current etc, will you be drawing a full 30 A or less?  My other
comment is on the construction of your tank cap, I think it would benefit
you in the long (and possibly the short run) to increase the voltage rating
of your tank cap.  14,400/.707=20347 peak volts, which is really close to
the 24kV your tank provides, I think the rule of thumb is you want double
or more of your peak volts, which would be closer to 40K.  If you don't
wish to mortgage your house to buy caps, speed your break rate up
substantially with 24 electrodes and provide active cooling for the cap
bank, that way you still get 70% ish charge on the tank cap per firing, but
with a smaller capacitance and a much higher voltage rating.  A little time
in Java TC could help with this I think, just to make sure everything is
balanced from a power draw standpoint.  Just my two cents...

Scott Bogard.

On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 2:26 PM, Tim Flood <tflood@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Finally got around to the initial planning stage of using my potential
> transformer to power a new TC. Here are my basic component values based on
> what I have on hand:
> Power Supply - 14,400/120 GE potential transformer. Plan on starting with
> a 30 amp breaker.
> Capacitor - .062uF, 5 strings of 12@ .150uF  2000vdc
> Primary - 14 turns of 1/4" cooper tube
> Secondary - 8.5" dia.x 36" PVC, 1200 turns 22 ga. for a winding length of
> 32"
> Gap - ASRG, 12 electrodes on disc running at 1725 RPM powered by a 1/2 HP
> DC motor w/AC controller
> Toroid - 24" x 6"
> Of course, I would like to obtain the longest spark length possible. This
> is my initial starting point. Any input will be welcome and greatly
> appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Tim
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