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Re: [TCML] 1/4 wavelength theory/rac. sparks

 It's difficult to change coupling on this coil.  I built it as a
demo-type coil rather than a research type coil, so it's hard
to change anything.  But I've built various other coils of
similar design, and they all behaved about the same.
I used to run them rather close to the racing spark situation,
in the sense that I would over-drive or over-power them to
see what they could withstand.  I was exploring the
concepts of TC coil size vs. input power and spark length
relationships at the time.  So yes I was over-driving a lot 
of those coils.  As the coil was over-driven more and more,
I had to reduce the coupling to make it lower and lower,
as expected.  I also looked at the effects of various toroid
sizes, and how this affected racing spark production, etc.
These experiments are all in the TCML archives.  In some
of those coils I had to reduce the coupling to 0.09 or less
to stop the racing sparks, because they were being over-driving,
by large bang-size.   





-----Original Message-----
From: Dex Dexter <dexterlabs@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Tesla Coil Mailing List <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sat, Feb 13, 2010 6:38 am
Subject: Re: [TCML] 1/4 wavelength theory/rac. sparks

You're lucky ,lucky guy to have such coil!
Can you increase coupling on TT-42 again to see
point when racing sparks appear near the bottom
of secondary?
That's quite unusual behavior what you describe.
Maybe you gave to much power (too large bang size)
for the coil of this size.
Overall coupling coeff. seems too low in either case
for significan overtones impact anyway.


--- futuret@xxxxxxx wrote:

From: futuret@xxxxxxx
To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [TCML] 1/4 wavelength theory ??
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 15:48:25 -0500


On my TT-42 coil, I got racing sparks near the bottom of the secondary
which burned up some of the bottom turns up to a height of about 2". 
I had to remove those burnt turns, and replace the wire in that area.  
However when I repaired it, I stopped winding the wire at such a height
that the secondary winding began 1/2" higher than originally.
These racing sparks were due to over-coupling.  No primary to
secondary flash-overs occurred.

With some other coils, I had racing sparks at various other areas on 
the secondary.....sometimes near the top, sometimes near the middle,

The TT-42 coil can be seen at my website:






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