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Re: [TCML] Project Tesla...any results/data?

Search through TCML archives and I think you will find that Robert Golka was also one of the posters.
It would be best if you can dig out his email and ask him directly.Good luck.


--- shmerpleton_town@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

From: Matthew Boddicker <shmerpleton_town@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Tesla Coil Mailing List <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [TCML] Project Tesla...any results/data?
Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 21:06:35 -0500

Does any body know or have any results/data of the Project Tesla experiment? I am having a tough time finding any on the web. I have heard of a book possibly by Richard Hull that analyzed the experiment and was also told it was out of print. Any information about the Project Tesla experiment (if it was ever completed) would be greatly appreciated as I may be heading down the same road. 


Take care,

Matthew Boddicker

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