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[TCML] Tesla Turbine

I know a guy that wants to build a Tesla Turbine.  He wants to know what is the efficiency of this engine?  Is it worth building or is he wasting his time?

-----Original Message-----
>From: piranha <piranha@xxxxxxxxxx>
>Sent: Jun 29, 2009 5:25 PM
>To: Tesla Coil Mailing List <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: Re: [TCML] The Hammertone Predikter
>Hi Jim,
>Scan Tesla had a large "array" of equations like that. That had to be 
>solved for ten solutions. Antonio had to figure that one out though!! ;) 
>He made it looks easy :) That is why EEs make the big bucks so they can 
>retire at 45 :D
>Just an update too. I ran Microsim models and the delay is constant 
>during a ring down. My simple model gave a 1.7833uS Prediktion and the 
>actual was 1.858uS. So the real was 4.2% longer with ringdown. My simple 
>equations are probably close enough for practical work. But as I 
>thought, there really is a little time added for ringdown but not much 
>to worry with.
>BTW - All the calculations done by mankind throughout history with a 
>slide rule can be done on a fast desktop PC in under a minute :D Knowing 
>what to calculate and how to calculate it is the key ;) That takes far 
>longer and no PC can do that... Here is Antonio's ScanTesla solution:
>Antonio supplies the magic calculating engine for solving the nodes.
>I basically just add the input and output scanning stuff.
>DRSSTC simulator
>By Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz acmq@xxxxxxxxxxx
>Version 1.0 - 6/6/2005
>This program simulates the structure:
>+v1- k12 +v3-
>+---C1--R1--+ +--R2--+--C3--+
>+| + | | + | + |
>vin i1 L1 L2 i2 C2 v2 R3
>-| - | | - | - |
>+-----------+ +------+------+
>/* Inverts [L] matrix */
>/* Assembles the state equations dx/dt=[A]*x+B*vin */
>A[1][1]=0; A[1][2]=0; A[1][3]=0; A[1][4]=1/C1; A[1][5]=0;
>A[2][1]=0; A[2][2]=-1/(R3*C2); A[2][3]=1/(R3*C2); A[2][4]=0; A[2][5]=-1/C2;
>A[3][1]=0; A[3][2]=1/(R3*C3); A[3][3]=-1/(R3*C3); A[3][4]=0; A[3][5]=0;
>A[4][1]=-G11; A[4][2]=G12; A[4][3]=0; A[4][4]=-G11*R1; A[4][5]=-G12*R2;
>A[5][1]=-G12; A[5][2]=G22; A[5][3]=0; A[5][4]=-G12*R1; A[5][5]=-G22*R2;
>B[1]=0; B[2]=0; B[3]=0; B[4]=G11; B[5]=G21;
>/* Generates MT=([I]-(dt/2)*[A])^(-1) */
>for (i=1; i<6; i++)
>for (j=1; j<6; j++)
>if (i==j) MT[i][j]=1-(T1_inc/2)*A[i][j];
>else MT[i][j]=-(T1_inc/2)*A[i][j];
>/* Sets the initial state */
>Jim Mora wrote:
>> Hi Terry, Et Al,
>> Damn, that may seem trivial to you! I used to do phase angles with a slide
>> rule which was easier but three points max accurate. No one in class had a
>> TI geekdom calculator as I remember. When that very aged teacher died, a
>> whole lot of radio theory and experience went with him.
>> When the dust settles, and you folks on the bleeding edge of the frontier of
>> modern Tesla coiling have jumped the hurdles, I have yet another project to
>> look forward too ;-)
>> Thanks for all you folks do,
>> Jim Mora
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