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[TCML] Moderator note Re. Klystron use?

Folks - while I was pleased to have learned a little bit about klystrons from this thread, I think it's clear that no one is likely to be making anything that approximates a Tesla coil out of one.  

Please - no more about klystrons unless it specifically relates to making (deliberate) high voltage sparks.  

Thanks, Gary Lau
TCML Co-moderator

> -----Original Message-----
> From: tesla-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:tesla-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx] On
> Behalf Of miles waldron
> Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2009 1:34 PM
> To: 'Tesla Coil Mailing List'
> Subject: RE: [TCML] Klystron use?
> Thanks so much Steve,
> Do you have any technical detail on using a klystron as the local oscillator
> in a radar receiver? I don't know very much about cavity resonators, but I
> am quite curious.
> buildingthefuture@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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