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RE: [TCML] X-ray cable best practices for feeder cable

I hope this is not wandering off too far but when it comes to stripping
cable I use a 2x4 with a hole drilled in it that just clears the cable. I
put a slit in the end of the 2x4 down to the hole, then put a blade from a
utility knife in the slit. Next use a "C" clamp to hold the blade in
position. Put the 2x4 in a vise , the roll of cable is supported on a shaft
allows me to pull the cable thru the 2x4 removing what is required. I do
this with a 500' roll of RG-11 type cable to remove the 14ga copperweld in
the center for use with antennas. New copperweld cost a lot and the 500'
roll of cable TV line came from an auction for $3.

Rich , KDØZZ
Disclaimer: Any errors in spelling or facts are transmission errors.

-----Original Message-----
From: tesla-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:tesla-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf
Of Stan
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 9:47 AM
To: Tesla Coil Mailing List
Subject: Re: [TCML] X-ray cable best practices for feeder cable

Hey Jim,

The easiest way I found to strip the shield is with a hooked razor 
knife. Cut the cover and the shield at the same time, the cover helps to 
support the shield to cut easier. Watch the angle you keep the knife at 
and the knife won't damage the insulator.

Hope this helps,

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