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Re: [TCML] HV capacitors wanted

Hi Christopher,

Sounds like you need to contact Dr. Resonance as he mentioned. He has the caps your looking for. "Many" of us have used them for several years and they are time tested in disruptive coiling applications.


Christopher Karr wrote:
Hello, please forget about the whole Chrishitstopher thing, as I was making a new email address and I didn't want a recognizable name.

I have built the saltwater capacitors, before, and they were very inefficient, because I used aluminum foil rather than the saltwater for the outer dielectric. My dad told me that he didn't feel comfortable with me having high voltages running in saltwater, so I couldn't build the more efficient capacitor design. I may try it, soon, anyways, out of desperation.

Anyways, I was hoping for some better capacitors that are made for high voltage by a company so that the losses are at a minimum with a small package size.
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