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Re: About wireless energy transfer

Original poster: westland <westland@xxxxxx>

Soljacic has stated in interviews that Tesla's work is what got him started on this line of research ... Soljacic is Serbian and has, I guess, a nationalistic interest in continuing Tesla's work. I suspect that any references of old research in a submitted research paper (based on my own experience) would have to be very brief ... just a citation ... as most journals have page limits, or at least the editors try to limit the copy to what work was done by the researcher, assuming that readers can dig up the referenced articles if they are interested in the background research.


Tesla list wrote:
Original poster: Ed Phillips <evp@xxxxxxxxxxx>

In all fairness, Soljacic recognized Tesla's previous efforts in wireless
power transmission in his published paper.  The press stories are often
written by science writers, who determine for themselves what and what not
to print.


Soljacic mentioned Tesla's name and cited a Tesla patent as his first reference but that is not the same as recognizing what he'd done - to do that he would have had to read it and understand it and I'm convinced he didn't and doesn't even know what it was about. He never once mentioned that Tesla used and advocated the use of coupled resonant circuits tuned to the same frequency or show any evidence that he knew that was the essence of Tesla's various schemes - read it again. Furthermore, if you look at the particular patent he cited it doesn't even mention once the use of a resonant receiver - it covers only the design of a "Wardenclyffe type" transmitter and seems to be centered on the peculiar form of the top terminal. None of the claims even mentions a resonant receiver. If he had cited Tesla's # 645,576 the situation would be a little different, at least if he'd given any evidence that he'd studied it. All of the rest of the references involve nonresonant coupling such as is used in maglev trains. I've just reread the Soljacic paper and, although I may have missed it, I couldn't find a single statement which indicated that the authors were aware that anyone else was even aware that resonant circuits tuned to the same frequency had greater coupling than nonresonant. My belief is that they did a literature search on something like "wireless energy transfer", noticed that particular Tesla patent, referenced it without bothering to read it, and were completely unaware that coupled resonant circuits have been in general use for over a century. As far as I can see they claim to be the first to have recognized these marvellous properties............


P.S. Although you'd never guess it the paper bugs me because of its style and arrogance.


J. Christopher Westland, PhD CPA
Professor, ISMT, University of Science & Technology, HK Clearwater Bay,Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: 852 2358 7643
Fax: 852 2358 2421
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URL: ihome.ust.hk/~westland
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