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RE: ballest choice?

Original poster: "Breneman, Chris" <brenemanc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

There was a discussion recently about almost exactly this same issue, and the discussion turned into a look at high-voltage side capacitive ballasting. Try putting a few MOT capacitors in series on the high-voltage end. Both Greg and I have done this with fair results. As soon as I get the secondary built for my TC, I'll get a kill-a-watt meter and measure the power factor to see the effect.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla list [mailto:tesla@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Sat 4/14/2007 10:39 PM
To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: ballest choice?

Original poster: "Scott Bogard" <teslas-intern@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Hello all,
     I have a quandary, I am using a shorted MOT as ballast for my 6
and 4 MOT stacks, for my TC.  I don't think I am getting the
performance I should, and I think the ballast is the culpret.  What
other options do I have, and If I make a ballast, how do I determine
the "optimum" inductance (I am limited on tools, so I don't have a
tool to measure inductance).  I don't have a variac, so It will need
to withstand full power (120V 15-25A).
Thanks a lot.
Scott Bogard.

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