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Re: Re: Frequency Splitting

Original poster: <a1accounting@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Ed,
> I cringe when I see the words "frequency splitting", and I will tell
> you why.
> We could take two identical tank circuits and couple them. We will
> still get a beat frequency.
> Ah , but what about "frequency splitting?"
> Be realistic, they are identical tank circuits. One tank could not
> possibly operate at a different frequency then the other. There is
> no "splitting"."

If the identical tank circuits are coupled, you are correct one tank does not operate at a different frequency (single). What happens is the original resonance in both tanks are replaced by two new resonances at either side of the original frequency ie the original frequency is split in to two frequencies. Both the secondary and primary have these two new resonances.

>      With two identically-tuned circuits, before the spark gap
> quenches there will certainly be two frequencies present, with
> separation determined by the degree of coupling.  Is that "frequency
> splitting"?
> All a matter of definition I guess.  Of course, when the gap opens
> the secondary will ring with the fundamental resonant frequency.
> Ed