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Re: SSTC- feedback vs. none

Original poster: "K. C. Herrick" <kchdlh@xxxxxxx>

I'm posting /temp/Half-br_res-load.jpg, a simulation-schematic of my not-yet-fully-debugged feedback scheme--but modified a bit from my present hardware. It may be interesting to some as a model for a primary-feedback sstc system. I've been playing with it in order to clarify whether phase-shift and/or IGBT turn-on & -off times are going to be bothersome at 100 KHz, in affecting the feedback and also causing turn-on/off away from IGBT-current zero-crossings.


>From this simulation, it would appear that these might not be problems. I've included resistors R3 and R11 to delay IGBT turn-off, in simulation of the real case where turn-off time exceeds turn-on. With those included, I see full half-sine current waves at the locations marked I1 & I2 and no common-mode spikes (and with TX1's outputs crossing over at 0V, as they should). With R3 & R11 removed, still no spikes but the IGBTs turn off at about 30% of peak current (while still turning on at zero-crossing).

In either case, the feedback works just fine--with, it must be noted, load resistors R17 and R18 included. Without those, there is overlap of the two TX1 outputs at every other transition, resulting in common-mode current spikes. I don't know if that's an anomaly of the simulation, or what.

TX1 exhibits a significant phase shift, primary: secondaries--about 2 us at 100 KHz, to ~90% of the secondary voltage peak, with k = 0.9 to 0.95. And the feedback voltage across C12 is exactly 90 degrees out from the primary current so that's another 2.5 us. I suppose those two shifts together make up ~180 degrees, allowing loop-feedback to take place. C12 is just to provide a bit of filtering; it doesn't affect the phase shift materially.

[The Q5 and Q2 circuits in the hardware are for shutting off the IGBTs' + drive between sparks, with the aid of opto-isolators not included in the simulation. That's so that the starting oscillator can keep capacitors C2, C5, C9 & C8 charged up between sparks. Rather than the 2-transformer primary-current-sensing circuit that I presently have for feedback, I tried out here a 1-turn coil, simulated as being wound along one turn of the primary. That works nicely and is surely simpler than a discrete transformer or two. If I decide to modify my hardware to that effect, I'll probably install a twisted-pair of conductors; one will provide the feedback signal and the other will drive an existing bridge rectifier for overcurrent-sensing. And in the hardware, of course, I have an H-bridge, driven by a 1:2:2:2:2 transformer.]

Comments welcome, as always...

Ken Herrick


I'm also now posting Half-br_res-load_waves.jpg, which shows the pertinent waveforms around the feedback loop. Note that the C12 voltage, as a starting point, is 90 deg. out from the primary current and the TX1 primary voltage is in phase with the C12 voltage, both as would be expected. Then there is a delay until the TX1 secondary voltage appears, and then a further delay to the IGBT gate-voltage rise & fall.


What's most significant is the delay within TX1. I find that that's caused by the transistors in the two "totem pole" circuits not turning off fast enough; the ones that are to turn off draw base current for ~1 us while turning off. Hence, TX1's secondary voltages do not rise or fall until that current ceases, due to TX1's inductive reactance.

Although my schematic is marked for D44H8 and D45H8 transistors (which I am using), the simulation elements are actually Zetex ZTX849s and -949s. I don't know if the turn-off characteristics are an anomaly of the simulation elements or if that turn-off delay will actually occur in the real world. I haven't yet gotten to checking it in the hardware but I wonder if anyone has insight into this in the interim. Absent that delay, the circuit likely will not oscillate (at least, not efficiently), due to incorrect phasing thru the loop. But retaining my existing current-transformer circuit instead of the voltage-pickup coil should correct that since it (apparently) exhibits close to zero phase shift between primary current and fed-back voltage. So absent the delay due to the totem-pole circuits, the largest delay in the circuit is the turn-on & -off of the IGBTs. If those could be tweaked, circuit-wise, to become approximately equal, then a compensating phase-shift could be introduced elsewhere in the loop, to effect turn-on and -off at exact primary current zero-crossings. That additional shift is what I'm trying to introduce with my digital phase-shifting circuit, previously described.

[I might add to my circuit description that the capacitors are kept charged, between sparks, thru schottky diodes across the transistor base:collector junctions. I could, likely, have just used those junctions for the charging paths but I was not sure of the current-handling capability so I added the schottkys.]