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Re: cornell or cornel? : )))

Original poster: "Barton B. Anderson" <bartb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Looks like it's from the first batch of the original 942C caps (see labeling). I was the first to buy Geek Group MMC's way back whenever, and the writing looks the same, however, the ends of the roll were ok on my caps. Here's a pic of what my caps look like (ignore the polyurethane spillage over the caps [pulled from an earlier "stupid" idea]). These caps, although not pretty, have stood the test of time (and sparks). I filled the neighborhood with ozone last week on this same cap bank.


My opinion (FWIW), is they are an early version of the 942C series and the internal's are fine, but I agree, their outer appearance is crap. If cosmetics are of concern (and they certainly are to some folks), then I would return them and buy elsewhere (if possible). If that's not possible (or economical), then unwrap the outer sheath and give them a nice paint.

Take care,

Tesla list wrote:

Original poster: tesla popp <teslas_lab@xxxxxxxxx>

WTF!?  that DOES look like crap!  My caps are
beautiful.  Also, the printing only covers a very
small area of the case.
this is the box from C.D.

hope that helps,
Coiler Forever: Jeremiah Popp

--- Tesla list <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Original poster: Rich Simpson
> <richcreations@xxxxxxxxx>
> they do look kinda cheap, though I have never seen a
> cap that big
> (phycial size I mean) that did not cost at least
> that much, but it is
> not what is on the outside that matters, but the
> inside...
> I can send you a high res pic if you want, just
> email me off list and
> ask...
> -Rich
> On Jan 23, 2006, at 1:38 PM, Tesla list wrote:
> >Original poster: "Dmitry (father dest)"
> <dest@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> >
> >Hello : )
> >
> >i`ve never seen 942c caps in reality, only on
> Terry`s site, where they
> >look more or less good:
> >in cde`s pdf their picture looks like sh#t - too
> small resolution, but
> >today i`ve received package with these caps - in
> reality they look
> >even
> >worse : )))
> >man - what a cheap crap it is? they cost 2.6 buck
> each, but looks like
> >26 cent maximum,  heck - 5 years back they were
> better : D
> >so now i`m sit here with 2kg of this sh#t and
> wonder, why i`ve bought
> >them - why not maxwell?
> >
> >or - there is one possibility - why if they just
> fooled me? maybe it`s
> >not cde caps at all, maybe it`s just some barbarous
> mutants? : D
> >so i need a little help now - anybody who have (or
> may do) decent
> >closeup pictures of the caps (like Terry`s one on
> the link above)
> >please
> >send them (or links on them) directly to me. i`ll
> take mine as soon as
> >i can.
> >
> >@#$%!
> >: )
> >
> >-----
> >Let the bass kick! =:-D
> >

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