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Quality spun toroids available in three sizes

Original poster: FutureT-at-aol-dot-com 

Hello coilers,

Enhance your coil's professional appearance with these
exquisite spun aluminum toroids.

I have three sizes of quality spun aluminum toroids available.
I pay the postage on these for shipment within the US.  International
shipping costs about $5 to $15 extra depending on the size.
1/4" mounting hole.  These are properly shaped and finished
pristine toroids at about 1/2 the usual cost.  Strong 3003 H-14
alloy construction is used for all three sizes.  These are the only
sizes I can provide.  These toroids are suitable for the main toroid
of a Tesla coil, or as a corona ring or sub-toroid below the main
toroid, and also as toroids for tube coils and SSTC's.

   1.75" x 6"......  $45 each postpaid in the USA (12" to 22" sparks)
                                       (two for $83)

   4" x 13" .......   $140 each postpaid in the USA (26" to 48" sparks)
                                       (two for $265)

   5" x 16" ........  $185 each postpaid in the USA (38" to 64"  sparks)
                                        (two for $350)

All sizes are overall sizes.  The spark lengths shown assume
adequate input power and coil design.
These smooth spun toroids permit the sparks to glide over the toroid
surface, and longer sparks can be obtained for a given toroid
diameter compared with corregated ducting toroids.

Spun toroids can be seen at my webpage at:


Payment by PayPal (FutureT-at-aol-dot-com), MO, or check.  I will ship
within a week or two (or less) after receiving payment.

John Freau
49 Thiem Ave
Rochelle Pk,  NJ   07662

Thank You,