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Re: exploding capacitors

Original poster: Edward Wingate <ewing7-at-rochester.rr-dot-com> 

Tesla list wrote:
 > Original poster: BunnyKiller <bunikllr-at-bellsouth-dot-net>
 > Hi Steve...
 > Im running 3 50KV .1uF's  Maxwells in series for 150KV total and Im pushing
 > them with a seriesed set of 10KVA piggies for a total V in of 36KV in the
 > primary circuit.  I  have put better than 150 hours run time on these caps
 > and they are still going strong. Dont know how much longer they will last
 > since I got them off of Ebay...  no telling what their previous life
 > entailed...
 > I prefer to keep the break rate at the sine wave peaks...  more joules per
 > bang...  longer streamers  ( 10-12 feet)
 > Scot D


I predict that they'll last longer than you do! :^)

One of the "secrets" of making pulse caps last is to operate them
considerably lower than their maximum voltage rating and yours aren't
even breathing hard.

Ed Wingate RATCB