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RE: Longitudinal Waves - Request for clarification

Original poster: "Steve Greenfield by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <alienrelics-at-yahoo-dot-com>

--- Tesla list <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com> wrote:
> Original poster: "Colin Dancer by way of Terry Fritz
> <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <CMD-at-dataconnection-dot-com>
>  <Breath in....>
> Dave,
> Could I respectfully suggest that if you're unwilling to offer a
> clear
> answer _in this list_ to the following questions then the whole
> topic has no
> place in this list, and we should get back to the list's real
> focus of Tesla
> coil theory and construction?
> Maybe I'm in a minority. Maybe the majority of people want to
> focus on
> untestable theories - in which case I will just go back to
> lurking.  However
> assuming that most of use are practical experimenters interested
> in
> exploring the objective reality around us, could we _please_
> either have a
> testable theory or could we bring the discussion of LWs in this
> forum to a
> close?

You are not alone, Colin. I'm seeing a lot of sloppy testing and
sloppy theorizing leading to sloppy conclusions with -lots- of
leaps of faith. And very little useful testing.

I'm interested in the fun we can have with flat spiral secondaries,
but Dave Thomson did start his own list for this C^2 and
longitudinal wave cr... er, stuff, let them discuss it there.

Steve Greenfield

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