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Effects of cap size on a SRSG NST system

Wow, what a descriptive subject line ;-)

I am currently running a 15/90 NST driven coil with an 42nF MMC and a
I brought it home from it's spot in the physics shop at school so that I
can demo it
next week for some friends.  Of course I left the 4th MMC board for the 4th NST
(that I burned out before I even had the whole TC assembled.....) at school.

I can get my hands on another 15/30 without too many problems (one of my
friends may
have one at the very least), but it's a bit of a chore to hook it up
properly and
re-adjust the SRSG (maybe I'm just lazy).   But, I was wondering if merely
the NST would have any effect on output (assuming in tune, and gap adjusted
to fire
properly).  Will I run into any problems with over-volting the caps due to the
resonant rise phenomena despite my decent safety gap?  (or is 42nF too far
that range?)

Thanks in advance,
