
Twin coil idea


After viewing Lou Balint's twin-driver magnifier, and considering some
comments from Ed Wingate about his twin classic TC, an idea comes
to mind:

In a typical twin TC, the sparks can become unbalanced at each
toroid, unless long spark take-off rods are installed on the toroids.
This is probably due to spark loading effects in each sec/pri.

It might be interesting to build a twin classic TC with separate power 
supplies, tank circuits, and sync gaps.  By carefully synching the 
two rotaries, a condition would occur in which the sparks would attract
each other occasionally.  They would attract only occasionally
because the RF from the two systems would drift into (or out of) phase
occasionally based on rotary jitter and tuning.  This would be
interesting to try out in a small system.  It is possible that the sparks
would not attract all that often, but the unbalance problem would be
eliminated.  The system might be better in one way....worse in another.

Yes, it's a lot more expensive and more work to build it this new way
which is why it should be tried on a small scale first.

John Freau