

Hi All,
    Measured some of the spark gap tubes sold by ALL and got the
following voltage breakdown measurements*
TUBE#_______BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE KV__________________
__1___________________2.75 Kv__________________________
__2___________________2.5 Kv___________________________
__3___________BETWEEN 2.75 AND 3 Kv___________________
__4___________BETWEEN 2 AND 2.25 Kv___________________
__5___________BETWEEN 2.5 AND 2.75 Kv__________________

These seem to be within the 10%  manufacturers tolerance.  On the tube
is written "Ni-63".  I suspected this to mean a radiactive isotope of
nickel.  I checked it out with my "Chernobel" (sp) radiation detector.
I got clicks every 5 to 10 seconds.  As a reference I get clicks once
a second from a thoriated tungsten rod purchased at a local welding
shop.  Does anyone know if the "D" in the label stands for deuterated?
If it is, these would be the ultimate spark gaps!  They seem to be
fairly rugged.  It would be interesting to get some switching
waveforms with a 0.01 uF or larger capacitor.

    All has 2500 in stock.  They will sell 50 for a price break of
$50.  The remainder of the label says Cleveland Ohio  Made in the

    *The Hi Potting was done with a Hipotronics Hi Pot tester model
HD-100 set on its lowest scale.