
Re: Secondary Theory (Was Bipolar Coil)-Heretical view

An addendum to part of an earlier post of mine:

>      My friend and I are working through their calculations to arrive 
> at a design methodology from their standpoint. The going is not easy 
> and made even less easy in that I have no worked example from them. 
> I am told that there is a worked example in the Tube Coils handbook 
> of which I don't have a copy. In the papers I have seen, page after 
> page is devoted to analysing resonators etc. retrospectively which is 
> not a great help if one wants to design them from scratch. Other 
> difficulties include:
> - an equation for loss resistance which gives unrealistically high 
> ESRs for real coils that in practice appear far better when measured 
> using sound measuring techniques

Did something just go "ding"?  I just realized that the equation in 
question was formulated for 1/4 wave antennas that are supposed to 
"lose" power, not for high Q resonators :(  Yes??

> - they resort in the end to the use of the lumped L and C parameters 
> which anybody who uses our list "recipe" approach loves (because they
> actually work well in practice and we can unerringly calculate them, 
> even if they are wrong for various subtle reasons). I cannot 
> understand why people who claim these things are wrong resort to 
> using them like this. Perhaps I've misunderstood them and done them a 
> grave injustice. Time (and experiment) will tell.

I think it might be happening right now.
