
Re. Stupid Question(From a different guy)

>OK i know this sounds stupid..
>        But how do you measure your spark length? i can't imagine one
>going up to the Coil w/ a tape measure and letting sparks fly at him
>:(unless you are suicidal or just plain stupid).  Another question is
>what exactly does that Faraday cage do? how does it work? and most
>importanly, if its a valuable thing to have.. how do u build one really
>really fast and cheaply w/ a low budget?  Thanks -Alan the Psycho

I direct my coil's arc with a nail on the torroid towards a foundation
wall and measure the straight-line distance from the nail to the wall.
When an arc hits the wall, it is significantly brighter than those that
just terminate in the air, so it's easy to tell if the distance has been
met.  This method requires setting the coil at anticipated distances in
advance of running it though.  See:

Regards, Gary Lau
Waltham, MA USA