
Re: lighting fluorescent lamps, with a TC

I did a little experimentation on lighting tubes off my coil a while back,
I cannot say what waves powed them but I found that a 13watt tube would
light very bright ( pehaps 80% of normal )  When connect to a ground at one
end.  There was nothing connected to the other end at all.  When not
connected to a ground it was dim about 20% norm.  I was using a 240watt coil
with a large secondary ( perhaps double what is should be in inductance )
and I found the bigger the inductance of the secondary the farther and
brigher the tubes were.

I also tried with normal 60watt bulbs,  They glow purple and only perhaps go
half as far in terms of distance with the tubes.  I didn't try a ground,
just held it in myhand,  Holding the bottom of the bulb ( contacts ) would
give best light,  If you held the glass sparks would jump across the bottom
of the bulb ( no it didn't hurt ), However in both cases I needed a large
inductance on the secondary.

Just to add alittle more, A simple plasma globe would light a tube up, only
a foot, also grounded one end.  It was a lot more "stable" in brightness due
to the Bipoler drivers within the globe,  The tube was already "duff" but
still ran well, I ran it for hours just off my globe and it didn't get hot.
Lighting bulbs didn't work at all.

Its my opinion that if the globe was higher power it would light a bulb in
the same way as a Teslacoil would,  There is nothing specail with a plasma
globe, but how does the power get there ?  It does not have to be grounded
to work either, simply plasing it over the top of the golbe will also work
 but not as well as ground ).  All that is in these things is a simple
"flyback" type of coil with a power transistor and thats it, so it can only
be RF transmission to the tube ( Hertizan waves ? ),  I';m just thinking of
atomic breakdown of the gasses in the tubes causing the light ?  If so how
is the energy trasmitted, HV RF only ?  I'm sure that normal RF is high
current which could be the other way that the energy can be tramsitted ( or
induced ),  Also where does it leave in health asspects in TC's  ?  Is  HV
RF a hazzard ?  and/or HC RF a hazzard ?,  I hope I have understood the to
terms correctly here ?

Please fell free to Mail me direct.

Chat room,  #mega_disczine  ( 21:00 UK time , X-Net )
ICQ No.  25028406 ( Chris_S )
AKA exxos