
Re: [Fwd: Cap Experiments and more ?????]

Hi Bart, All
 Original Poster: "Barton B. Anderson" <mopar-at-uswest-dot-net> 
 <<<< This post came and went through me just fine but it never
 confirmed....  I don't know were it went. :-(  - Terry >>>>

Well it probably got eaten up from some internet gremlin. They are hidding out
Yes your results seem to compare with the ones I posted in the email: "Cap
experiments and now less ??". I am definately sure now that my thin "poly"
wasnīt PE at all. I am glad I donīt have anymore of this stuff (and didnīt buy
a huge supply when I bought the first roll). My thick stuff must be (pretty)
pure PE. It was also somewhat more expensive (per square foot) than the thin

My dead thin "PE" cap (posted the other day in reply to Garyīs dead cap) was
autopsied. It had the same heating problem my other (dry) thin caps had. Some
of the poly sheets where still dry (which leads me to believe that paper in
between the PE sheets is an absolute must).
My thick (real PE) caps never get more than warm to the touch (even when dry

Interesting was also the fact that even though the thin stuff had been in
contact with mineral oil for over a week, it hadnīt changed color or form.
(real PE gets milky and slightly wavy).

IT MUST HAVE been the poly (or better non poly).

Coiler greets and thanks,


 Reinhard, All,
 I re-rolled using .0015" poly (2 sheets for total of .003, measured) and 18"
 22" aluminum foil. This was a quick test and kept roll as tight as I could,
 it was a really quick throw together. I didn't measure it flat as it was a
 large flat to truly get something to flatten it. So I rolled it up on an old
 broom stick (minus the broom).
 It measured 102.7nF. I went to the computer and the calculated value was
 much more realistic than yesterdays post. If I would have taken a little more
 time to get the roll tighter, I'm suspect I would have hit very near the
 So I unrolled it and this time used only one sheet between plates (.0015")
 smaller plates sizes (6.5" x 18"). This was a very tight role. I measured
 and calculated 64.7nF. Since this was similar to the above test, I back
 calculated K. K of 1.7 would match this as well as the above test. The poly
 using probably has a k of 1.7 (maybe a little higher since this is a dry roll
 So Reinhard, my experiment in parallel with yours supports your findings
 for the
 most part. The garbage bag from my test yesterday was milk white and stated
 the bag as polyethylene. I don't was pure LDPE. Probably poly + other. K was
 definitely NOT near 2.
 My conclusion is that it's probably more the polyethylene purity vs. the
 thickness as the poly.
 Since both my test were calculated and measured at 3mils and 1.5mils
 resulting in
 nearly identical ratio's of K at 1.7. Also Reinhard, your first poly test was
 nearly identical to my 1.5mil test here, and you were only able to achieve
 compared to my 55.2nF. It's got to be the poly.